Marketing, Profitability, Qualification, DTC, RON Products; Wholesaler News

I have news for you, and I hope that I’m not bursting anyone’s bubble here. If a meat packer could sell the delicious looking meat that you see in the background in ads for hamburger at $15/pound, do you really think they’d put it into $4/pound ground beef, or $2/pound hot dogs? Yes, numbers can tell a story, like it or not. How about this nifty map, great for loan officers and real estate agents and discovered in my email files, showing the population shift in the United States during the last ten years? Continuing with the numbers theme, today only 10 percent of U.S. mortgage borrowers have adjustable-rate mortgages, and that number was 40 percent in 2008. In terms of our biz, today’s higher mortgage rates only impact new buyers and borrowers. Existing fixed-rate home loan borrowers are insulated from increases in short-term interest rates. “Let the Fed do what it will!” Lastly, Rocket gave the world a lot of numbers yesterday in the form of its earnings, and can be used as a bellwether for what many lenders saw in 2022: see “Wholesale News” below. (Today’s podcast can be found here and this week is sponsored by Built Technologies: Increase efficiency, streamline processes, and improve construction and real estate financing. Built connects lenders with key stakeholders to expedite funding and provide real-time deal visibility via a cloud-based digital platform. Today Built Technologies’ Riley Thomas discusses the economic headwinds facing builders and an overview of the construction management industry.)


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