Jumbo, Broker, Performance Comparison, Internal Audit Products; Freddie and Fannie Updates

I won’t sugar coat this. Here’s some rough news for lenders and LOs: With plenty of quant jocks to slice and dice numbers, Goldman Sachs tells us that 99 percent of borrowers have a mortgage rate lower than 6 percent or the current market rate, and around 28 percent of those have rates below 3 percent. So, what are you going to do about it? A buddy and I were out to eat recently. I asked the server (in my day they were called waiters and waitresses), “Is this a bistro, a brasserie, or a gastropub?” The bearded, short-haired fellow replied, “None of those. We’re a brewpub.” Options! People have options in investing their cash, and a LO can help with financial planning. Hey, if higher rates are driving business income down, you may-as-well profit from them, even if you only have $100. If you don’t mind tying your money up for a month or more and can earn nearly 5 percent on your cash with a few keystrokes, why earn 0 percent on your bank account? Open up a TreasuryDirect account and you can buy Treasury securities with a minimum of $100. And if you’re an LO, that’s a good subject to touch base on with that client you put into that 3 percent 30-year fixed-rate loan: how to make more off of their savings. (Today’s podcast can be found here and this week is sponsored by Built Technologies: Increase efficiency, streamline processes, and improve construction and real estate financing. Built connects lenders with key stakeholders to expedite funding and provide real-time deal visibility via a cloud-based digital platform.)


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