Ginnie Delivery, Fee Collection, Processing, Insurance, Warehouse Mgt. Tools; Celebrity Home Loans' Goodbye Letter

“I had a cousin who created a cold air balloon. But it never took off.” Like the intricacies of residential lending, few people are aware of the world of balloons. Meteorologists launch high-altitude balloons from the United States dozens of times each day. What’s more, weather balloons, are deployed twice a day, every day, at the same time from almost 900 locations around the world. Plenty of balloons fall to the earth. I really don’t like sensationalist headlines like “U.S. House Prices Plummet.” Especially when they’re false. Ask anyone who is in an area with starter homes, for example. The National Association of Realtors released its latest quarterly report showing that nearly 90 percent of all metro areas saw housing prices go up last quarter. (Today’s podcast can be found here and this week’s is sponsored by the STRATMOR Group, the data-driven mortgage advisory. At STRATMOR, insights and knowledge are applied to guide mortgage clients to make sound strategic decisions and take actions that improve their success. Today is a talk with Partner Garth Graham containing tips for success in a purchase-centric market. Lender and Broker Software, Products, and Services “Want to add a new revenue stream while delivering value for borrowers? Matic, a home insurance platform built for the mortgage industry, provides personalized insurance offers to your borrowers from 40+ carriers you know, all within your existing systems. Borrowers save over $600 on average, and you’ll rest easy knowing the insurance process is fully automated. Interested in joining other top lenders who use Matic to automate insurance and generate revenue? Book a quick demo with our team of mortgage experts to learn more about partnerships.”


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