
Recruiting, Sales and Marketing, QC, Underwriting, HELOC, CRM Tools; FHA and VA Investor News

When I grow up, I want to own a place at the beach. It turns out that if I’m not too picky, and don’t mind being within a mile of the surf, I might be able to swing it. Here are the “Cheapest Places to Own a Place at the Beach in the U.S.” People living there had better pay their property taxes, but it’s no surprise that more than $14 billion in property taxes go unpaid each year, according to the National Tax Lien Association (who knew there was such a thing?!). Each year, the average American household spends, if they pay it, $2,690 on real-estate property taxes plus another $444 for residents of the 26 states with vehicle property taxes. WalletHub's 2023’s Property Taxes by State report reveals that Hawaii has the lowest real-estate tax, $700, while New Jersey is highest at $6,057. Twenty-six states levy some form of vehicle property tax. “Blue” states have 30 percent higher real-estate property taxes than “Red” states, averaging $2,991 versus averaging $2,297. (Today’s podcast

Remember and Honor Those Who Gave All We remember and honor those who gave all. #rememberandhonor #memorialday

ICYMI: Remember and Honor Those Who Gave All We remember and honor those who gave all. #rememberandhonor #memorialday

Today’s Real Estate Market: The ‘Unicorns’ Have Galloped Off Comparing real estate metrics from one year to another can be challenging in a normal housing market. That’s due to possible variability in the market making the comparison less meaningful or accurate. Unpredictable events can have a significant impact on the circumstances and outcomes being compared. Comparing this year’s numbers to the two ‘unicorn’ years we just experienced is almost worthless. By ‘unicorn,’ this is the less common definition of the word: “Something that is greatly desired but difficult or impossible to find.” The pandemic profoundly changed real estate over the last few years. The demand for a home of our own skyrocketed, and people needed a home office and big backyard. >>Waves of first-time and second-home buyers entered the market. >>Already low mortgage rates were driven to historic lows. >>The forbearance plan all but eliminated foreclosures. >>Home values reached appreciation levels never seen before. It was a market that forever had been “greatly desired but difficult or impossible to find.” A ‘unicorn’ year. Now, things are getting back to normal. The ‘unicorns’ have galloped off. Comparing today’s market to those years makes no sense. Here are three examples: >>Buyer Demand Buyer demand is down from the two ‘unicorn’ years. But, according to ShowingTime, if we compare it to normal years (2017-2019), buyer activity is still strong. >>Home Prices 2020 and 2021 each had historic appreciation numbers. Now, we’re returning to more normal home value increases. >>Foreclosures Today’s foreclosures are increases over historically low foreclosure rates. DM me so you have an expert on your side to help you keep everything in proper perspective. #realestate #homeownership #homebuying

Today’s Real Estate Market: The ‘Unicorns’ Have Galloped Off Comparing real estate metrics from one year to another can be challenging in a normal housing market. That’s due to possible variability in the market making the comparison less meaningful or accurate. Unpredictable events can have a significant impact on the circumstances and outcomes being compared. Comparing this year’s numbers to the two ‘unicorn’ years we just experienced is almost worthless. By ‘unicorn,’ this is the less common definition of the word: “Something that is greatly desired but difficult or impossible to find.” The pandemic profoundly changed real estate over the last few years. The demand for a home of our own skyrocketed, and people needed a home office and big backyard. >>Waves of first-time and second-home buyers entered the market. >>Already low mortgage rates were driven to historic lows. >>The forbearance plan all but eliminated foreclosures. >>Home values reached appre

#Uncategorized #Infographics #Holidays Remember and Honor Those Who Gave All

ICYMI: #Uncategorized #Infographics #Holidays Remember and Honor Those Who Gave All

#ForBuyers #ForSellers #Foreclosures #Pricing #HousingMarketUpdates Today’s Real Estate Market: The ‘Unicorns’ Have Galloped Off: Comparing real estate metrics from one year to another can be challenging in a normal housing market.

#ForBuyers #ForSellers #Foreclosures #Pricing #HousingMarketUpdates Today’s Real Estate Market: The ‘Unicorns’ Have Galloped Off: Comparing real estate metrics from one year to another can be challenging in a normal housing market.

Remember and Honor Those Who Gave All We remember and honor those who gave all. #rememberandhonor #memorialday

Remember and Honor Those Who Gave All We remember and honor those who gave all. #rememberandhonor #memorialday

Remember and Honor Those Who Gave All We remember and honor those who gave all. #rememberandhonor #memorialday

Remember and Honor Those Who Gave All We remember and honor those who gave all. #rememberandhonor #memorialday