Home Equity, Pre-Qual, Correspondent, Verification Tools; Training and Webinars; STRATMOR on LO Habits

Attention in the hallways in the early going at the IMB Conference in New Orleans is varied. LinkedIn traffic seems to have picked up for IMB companies like Draper and Kramer and Atlantic Bay, but that is hardly a scientific measure of companies being bought, buying, or exiting the business. (As always, direct questions to company representatives.) Credit costs and trigger leads are a big item; this Wednesday’s L1 Mortgage Matters session at 2PM ET features John Fleming, of John Fleming Law and the Texas MBA, discussing issues including a fine update on the trigger lead situation. Being pragmatic about handling branches that are losing money, even if the crew there has been with you for years and years, is a hot topic among owners. The last 18 months has not been the time to waffle or ignore information. Today’s podcast can be found here and this week’s is brought to you LoanCare. LoanCare has successfully navigated clients and homeowners through market change for 40 years. The mortgage subservicer is known for delivering superior customer experience through personalization and convenience via its portfolio management tool, LoanCare Analytics™, supporting MSR investors with a focus on customer engagement, liquidity, and credit risk. Lender and Broker Services, Products, and Software Jonathan Spinetto COO & Co-founder at Nyfty Door, grew business from 0 loan originations two years ago when he signed with TRUV, and is projected to hit 3,000 loans a month in 2024. NYFTY door sees conversion rates over 60% with Truv and is saving 60-80% over competitors. Contact TRUV today for your income, employment, insurance, and asset verifications.



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