Marketing, CRM, Fair Lending, HELOC, Non-QM Products; Webinars and Training Next Week; Why do People Move?

Sometimes I send this Commentary out from some pretty nice places, sometimes not. Today comes from the tarmac at the Newark Airport, in Row 22, sitting next to some hairy guy who’s snoring and apparently went with the “Garlic Lover’s Pizza” last night. You can decide which category today fits in. “What do you call a small pepper in the autumn? A little chili.” Tomorrow is the fall equinox. Autumn? Autumnal? Different ways of saying similar things? Do you know the difference between a loan, a mortgage, a lien, a note, and a deed of trust? There are differences, just like there are differences in the reasons why people move. Unlike the convicted felon that I spent some time with yesterday, wanting a newer, better, or larger house or apartment has been the most common specific reason cited for moves over the past two years. That's followed by establishing one’s own household, evidenced by a change in marital status becoming a more common reason for moving in 2022 than in 2021. The percentage of movers reporting housing unit upgrades declined, suggesting a reversal of a boom in housing demand that happened in 2020, early in the COVID-19 pandemic. A quarter of movers reported family-related reasons for their move, the second most often-cited general reason for moving in 2022 and in several recent years. (Today’s podcast can be found here and this week’s is sponsored by the Trade-In Mortgage powered by Calque. Homeowners can buy before they sell, make non-contingent offers, and tap their home equity to fund the down payment on their next home. Lenders can help their clients negotiate a lower purchase price, reduce their interest payments, and eliminate PMI. Hear an interview with Mayer Brown LLP’s Lauren B. Pryor on M&A activity in the mortgage space and what makes for a successful transaction in the current environment.)


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