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Merry 420, which coincidentally was the yield on the 2-year Treasury note early today. Data and lawsuits about data… What’s in your wallet? Or maybe I should say, “Who’s in your wallet?” A Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB) employee (sent) confidential consumer data on roughly 256,000 people to their personal email account in what the agency described as a “major incident.” The data, which the CFPB says the former employee had authorized access to, included personally identifiable information, such as names and transaction-specific account numbers, of consumers of seven institutions.” As industry vet Brian B. asks, “Didn’t Richard Cordray assure us that personal information isn’t handled by the CFPB?” Speaking of big data, Big Brother, and privacy, if you’re a Facebook member, there’s a class action lawsuit entitling people to a “piece of the pie.” (If you just want the claim form web page, here ya go.) Today’s podcast can be found here and is sponsored by Candor. Candor’s patented automated underwriting decision engine, CogniTech™, is a state-of-the-art, 100 percent machine platform that can handle infinite loan scenarios. Today’s has an interview with Realtor Justin Rossi on how buyers’ agents can best work with mortgage companies. Lender and Broker Services, Products, and Software Momentifi launched its personally branded Spring 2023 Homebuyer Education Content in English and Spanish this week to help loan officers and mortgage companies attract clients and educate them about today's housing market. "Many homebuyers are under the mistaken assumption that home prices will collapse or that we're in a housing bubble," says Gibran Nicholas, CEO of Momentifi. "This content helps loan officers to educate homebuyers and referral partners and overcome their objections about today's market." The content package includes 150 personally branded articles that loan officers can post to social media or email to clients and referral sources. Many loan officers use the content as scripts to record short videos that they post up on their social media sites. Momentifi also offers an enterprise-level plan for banks and mortgage companies who want a company-wide content license. Click here to learn more or subscribe.


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