
Showing posts from February, 2024

Why We Aren't Headed for a Housing Crash If you’re holding out hope that the housing market is going to crash and bring home prices back down, here’s a look at what the data shows. And spoiler alert: that’s not in the cards. Instead, experts say home prices are going to keep going up. Today’s market is very different than it was before the housing crash in 2008. Here’s why. It’s Harder To Get a Loan Now – and That’s Actually a Good Thing It was much easier to get a home loan during the lead-up to the 2008 housing crisis than it is today. Back then, banks had different lending standards, making it easy for just about anyone to qualify for a home loan or refinance an existing one. There Are Far Fewer Homes for Sale Today, so Prices Won’t Crash Because there were too many homes for sale during the housing crisis (many of which were short sales and foreclosures), that caused home prices to fall dramatically. But today, there’s an inventory shortage – not a surplus. People Are Not Using Their Homes as ATMs Like They Did in the Early 2000s Back in the lead up to the housing crash, many homeowners were borrowing against the equity in their homes to finance new cars, boats, and vacations. So, when prices started to fall, as inventory rose too high, many of those homeowners found themselves underwater. But today, homeowners are a lot more cautious. Even though prices have skyrocketed in the past few years, homeowners aren’t tapping into their equity like they did back then. While you may be hoping for something that brings prices down, that’s not what the data tells us is going to happen. The most current research clearly shows that today’s market is nothing like it was last time. #realestate #homeownership #homebuying

Why We Aren't Headed for a Housing Crash If you’re holding out hope that the housing market is going to crash and bring home prices back down, here’s a look at what the data shows. And spoiler alert: that’s not in the cards. Instead, experts say home prices are going to keep going up. Today’s market is very different than it was before the housing crash in 2008. Here’s why. It’s Harder To Get a Loan Now – and That’s Actually a Good Thing It was much easier to get a home loan during the lead-up to the 2008 housing crisis than it is today. Back then, banks had different lending standards, making it easy for just about anyone to qualify for a home loan or refinance an existing one. There Are Far Fewer Homes for Sale Today, so Prices Won’t Crash Because there were too many homes for sale during the housing crisis (many of which were short sales and foreclosures), that caused home prices to fall dramatically. But today, there’s an inventory shortage – not a surplus. People

#Pricing #InterestRates #HousingMarketUpdates Why We Aren't Headed for a Housing Crash: If you’re holding out hope that the housing market is going to crash and bring home prices back down, here’s a look at what the data shows.

#Pricing #InterestRates #HousingMarketUpdates Why We Aren't Headed for a Housing Crash: If you’re holding out hope that the housing market is going to crash and bring home prices back down, here’s a look at what the data shows. />

Why We Aren't Headed for a Housing Crash

If you’re holding out hope that the housing market is going to crash and bring home prices back down, here’s a look at what the data shows.

Worried about saving 20% for a down payment? You might not need to. Plus, time is money, and taking the time to save that much could cost you more in the long run. That’s because while you’re saving, rising rents and home prices are working against you, and you’re missing out on building home equity. #downpayments #firsttimehomebuyer

Worried about saving 20% for a down payment? You might not need to. Plus, time is money, and taking the time to save that much could cost you more in the long run. That’s because while you’re saving, rising rents and home prices are working against you, and you’re missing out on building home equity. #downpayments #firsttimehomebuyer

#ForBuyers #FirstTimeHomeBuyers #BuyingMyths The Truth About Down Payments: If you’re planning to buy your first home, saving up for all the costs involved can feel daunting, especially when it comes to the down payment.

ICYMI: #ForBuyers #FirstTimeHomeBuyers #BuyingMyths The Truth About Down Payments: If you’re planning to buy your first home, saving up for all the costs involved can feel daunting, especially when it comes to the down payment. />

#ForSellers #HousingMarketUpdates Why Today’s Housing Supply Is a Sweet Spot for Sellers: Wondering if it still makes sense to sell your house right now?

#ForSellers #HousingMarketUpdates Why Today’s Housing Supply Is a Sweet Spot for Sellers: Wondering if it still makes sense to sell your house right now? />

Why Today’s Housing Supply Is a Sweet Spot for Sellers

Wondering if it still makes sense to sell your house right now?

Check out my blog post #newblogpost

Check out my blog post #newblogpost

Expert Home Price Forecasts for 2024 Revised Up Over the past few months, experts have revised their 2024 home price forecasts based on the latest data and market signals, and they’re even more confident prices will rise, not fall. 2024 Home Price Forecasts: Then and Now There are two big factors keeping such strong upward pressure on home prices. The first is how few homes are for sale right now. According to Business Insider: “Low home inventory is a chronic problem in the US. This has generally kept home prices up . . .” A lack of housing inventory has been pushing prices up for a long time now – and that’s not expected to change dramatically this year. But what has changed a bit is mortgage rates. Late last year when most housing market experts were calling for home prices to rise only a little bit in 2024, mortgage rates were up and buyer demand was more moderate. Now that rates have come down from their peak last October, and with further declines expected over the course of the year, buyer demand has picked up. A Look Forward To Get Ahead of the Next Forecast Revisions That means they’ll continue to revise their projections as the housing market changes, just as they’ve always done. How those forecasts change next is anyone’s guess, but pay attention to mortgage rates. Basically, it’s all about supply and demand. With supply still so limited, anything that causes demand to go up will likely cause prices to go up, too. At first, experts believed home prices would only go up a little this year. But now, they've changed their minds and forecast prices will grow even more than they originally thought. DM me so you know what to expect with prices in our area. #expertanswers #stayinformed

ICYMI: Expert Home Price Forecasts for 2024 Revised Up Over the past few months, experts have revised their 2024 home price forecasts based on the latest data and market signals, and they’re even more confident prices will rise, not fall. 2024 Home Price Forecasts: Then and Now There are two big factors keeping such strong upward pressure on home prices. The first is how few homes are for sale right now. According to Business Insider: “Low home inventory is a chronic problem in the US. This has generally kept home prices up . . .” A lack of housing inventory has been pushing prices up for a long time now – and that’s not expected to change dramatically this year. But what has changed a bit is mortgage rates. Late last year when most housing market experts were calling for home prices to rise only a little bit in 2024, mortgage rates were up and buyer demand was more moderate. Now that rates have come down from their peak last October, and with further declines expected over

#ForBuyers #FirstTimeHomeBuyers #BuyingMyths The Truth About Down Payments: If you’re planning to buy your first home, saving up for all the costs involved can feel daunting, especially when it comes to the down payment.

#ForBuyers #FirstTimeHomeBuyers #BuyingMyths The Truth About Down Payments: If you’re planning to buy your first home, saving up for all the costs involved can feel daunting, especially when it comes to the down payment. />

The Truth About Down Payments

If you’re planning to buy your first home, saving up for all the costs involved can feel daunting, especially when it comes to the down payment.

If you’re thinking about buying a home soon don't forget - your credit score is key and boosting it might be easier than you think. Start by reducing debt, staying on top of your payments, and fixing any errors on your credit report, like closed accounts that are reported as open. When you're ready, DM me so we can start the homebuying process. #homebuyingtips #creditscorematters

ICYMI: If you’re thinking about buying a home soon don't forget - your credit score is key and boosting it might be easier than you think. Start by reducing debt, staying on top of your payments, and fixing any errors on your credit report, like closed accounts that are reported as open. When you're ready, DM me so we can start the homebuying process. #homebuyingtips #creditscorematters

Expert Home Price Forecasts for 2024 Revised Up Over the past few months, experts have revised their 2024 home price forecasts based on the latest data and market signals, and they’re even more confident prices will rise, not fall. 2024 Home Price Forecasts: Then and Now There are two big factors keeping such strong upward pressure on home prices. The first is how few homes are for sale right now. According to Business Insider: “Low home inventory is a chronic problem in the US. This has generally kept home prices up . . .” A lack of housing inventory has been pushing prices up for a long time now – and that’s not expected to change dramatically this year. But what has changed a bit is mortgage rates. Late last year when most housing market experts were calling for home prices to rise only a little bit in 2024, mortgage rates were up and buyer demand was more moderate. Now that rates have come down from their peak last October, and with further declines expected over the course of the year, buyer demand has picked up. A Look Forward To Get Ahead of the Next Forecast Revisions That means they’ll continue to revise their projections as the housing market changes, just as they’ve always done. How those forecasts change next is anyone’s guess, but pay attention to mortgage rates. Basically, it’s all about supply and demand. With supply still so limited, anything that causes demand to go up will likely cause prices to go up, too. At first, experts believed home prices would only go up a little this year. But now, they've changed their minds and forecast prices will grow even more than they originally thought. DM me so you know what to expect with prices in our area. #expertanswers #stayinformed

Expert Home Price Forecasts for 2024 Revised Up Over the past few months, experts have revised their 2024 home price forecasts based on the latest data and market signals, and they’re even more confident prices will rise, not fall. 2024 Home Price Forecasts: Then and Now There are two big factors keeping such strong upward pressure on home prices. The first is how few homes are for sale right now. According to Business Insider: “Low home inventory is a chronic problem in the US. This has generally kept home prices up . . .” A lack of housing inventory has been pushing prices up for a long time now – and that’s not expected to change dramatically this year. But what has changed a bit is mortgage rates. Late last year when most housing market experts were calling for home prices to rise only a little bit in 2024, mortgage rates were up and buyer demand was more moderate. Now that rates have come down from their peak last October, and with further declines expected over the co

Expert Home Price Forecasts for 2024 Revised Up Over the past few months, experts have revised their 2024 home price forecasts based on the latest data and market signals, and they’re even more confident prices will rise, not fall. 2024 Home Price Forecasts: Then and Now There are two big factors keeping such strong upward pressure on home prices. The first is how few homes are for sale right now. According to Business Insider: “Low home inventory is a chronic problem in the US. This has generally kept home prices up . . .” A lack of housing inventory has been pushing prices up for a long time now – and that’s not expected to change dramatically this year. But what has changed a bit is mortgage rates. Late last year when most housing market experts were calling for home prices to rise only a little bit in 2024, mortgage rates were up and buyer demand was more moderate. Now that rates have... #expertanswers #stayinformed

Expert Home Price Forecasts for 2024 Revised Up Over the past few months, experts have revised their 2024 home price forecasts based on the latest data and market signals, and they’re even more confident prices will rise, not fall. 2024 Home Price Forecasts: Then and Now There are two big factors keeping such strong upward pressure on home prices. The first is how few homes are for sale right now. According to Business Insider: “Low home inventory is a chronic problem in the US. This has generally kept home prices up . . .” A lack of housing inventory has been pushing prices up for a long time now – and that’s not expected to change dramatically this year. But what has changed a bit is mortgage rates. Late last year when most housing market experts were calling for home prices to rise only a little bit in 2024, mortgage rates were up and buyer demand was more moderate. Now that rates have... #expertanswers #stayinformed

Home Equity Makes All the Difference When You Sell If you own a home, chances are you have a significant amount of equity in it. Let’s connect to find out how much. #homeequity #equityrich

ICYMI: Home Equity Makes All the Difference When You Sell If you own a home, chances are you have a significant amount of equity in it. Let’s connect to find out how much. #homeequity #equityrich

If you’re thinking about buying a home soon don't forget - your credit score is key and boosting it might be easier than you think. Start by reducing debt, staying on top of your payments, and fixing any errors on your credit report, like closed accounts that are reported as open. When you're ready, DM me so we can start the homebuying process. #homebuyingtips #creditscorematters

If you’re thinking about buying a home soon don't forget - your credit score is key and boosting it might be easier than you think. Start by reducing debt, staying on top of your payments, and fixing any errors on your credit report, like closed accounts that are reported as open. When you're ready, DM me so we can start the homebuying process. #homebuyingtips #creditscorematters

If you’re thinking about buying a home soon don't forget - your credit score is key and boosting it might be easier than you think. Start by reducing debt, staying on top of your payments, and fixing any errors on your credit report, like closed accounts that are reported as open. When you're ready, DM me so we can start the homebuying process. #homebuyingtips #creditscorematters

If you’re thinking about buying a home soon don't forget - your credit score is key and boosting it might be easier than you think. Start by reducing debt, staying on top of your payments, and fixing any errors on your credit report, like closed accounts that are reported as open. When you're ready, DM me so we can start the homebuying process. #homebuyingtips #creditscorematters

#Infographics #InterestRates How Changing Mortgage Rates Impact You [INFOGRAPHIC]: If you’re looking to buy a home, it’s important to know how mortgage rates impact what you can afford and how much you’ll pay each month.

ICYMI: #Infographics #InterestRates How Changing Mortgage Rates Impact You [INFOGRAPHIC]: If you’re looking to buy a home, it’s important to know how mortgage rates impact what you can afford and how much you’ll pay each month. />

Home Equity Makes All the Difference When You Sell If you own a home, chances are you have a significant amount of equity in it. Let’s connect to find out how much. #homeequity #equityrich

Home Equity Makes All the Difference When You Sell If you own a home, chances are you have a significant amount of equity in it. Let’s connect to find out how much. #homeequity #equityrich

#Infographics #InterestRates How Changing Mortgage Rates Impact You [INFOGRAPHIC]: If you’re looking to buy a home, it’s important to know how mortgage rates impact what you can afford and how much you’ll pay each month.

#Infographics #InterestRates How Changing Mortgage Rates Impact You [INFOGRAPHIC]: If you’re looking to buy a home, it’s important to know how mortgage rates impact what you can afford and how much you’ll pay each month. />

How Changing Mortgage Rates Impact You [INFOGRAPHIC]

If you’re looking to buy a home, it’s important to know how mortgage rates impact what you can afford and how much you’ll pay each month.

Expert Home Price Forecasts for 2024 Revised Up

Over the past few months, experts have revised their 2024 home price forecasts based on the latest data and market signals, and they’re even more confident prices will rise, not fall.

Don’t Let the Latest Home Price Headlines Confuse You Based on what you’re hearing in the news about home prices, you may be worried they’re falling. But here’s the thing. The headlines aren’t giving you the full picture. If you look at the national data for 2023, home prices actually showed positive growth for the year. The overarching story is that prices went up last year, not down. Let’s dive in to the data to set the record straight. 2023 Was the Return to More Normal Home Price Growth If anything, last year marked a return to more normal home price appreciation. To prove it, here’s what usually happens in residential real estate. In the housing market, there are predictable ebbs and flows that take place each year. It’s called seasonality. Home prices follow along with this seasonality because prices grow the most when there’s high demand. What You Really Need To... #realestate #homeownership #homebuying

Don’t Let the Latest Home Price Headlines Confuse You Based on what you’re hearing in the news about home prices, you may be worried they’re falling. But here’s the thing. The headlines aren’t giving you the full picture. If you look at the national data for 2023, home prices actually showed positive growth for the year. The overarching story is that prices went up last year, not down. Let’s dive in to the data to set the record straight. 2023 Was the Return to More Normal Home Price Growth If anything, last year marked a return to more normal home price appreciation. To prove it, here’s what usually happens in residential real estate. In the housing market, there are predictable ebbs and flows that take place each year. It’s called seasonality. Home prices follow along with this seasonality because prices grow the most when there’s high demand. What You Really Need To... #realestate #homeownership #homebuying

#ForBuyers #FirstTimeHomeBuyers #BuyingMyths Strategic Tips for Buying Your First Home: Buying your first home is a big, exciting step and a major milestone that has the power to improve your life.

#ForBuyers #FirstTimeHomeBuyers #BuyingMyths Strategic Tips for Buying Your First Home: Buying your first home is a big, exciting step and a major milestone that has the power to improve your life. />

Strategic Tips for Buying Your First Home

Buying your first home is a big, exciting step and a major milestone that has the power to improve your life.

Spring Selling Secret: Want your house to sparkle in the eyes of every potential buyer? Show it's been pampered and cared for. From decluttering to deep cleaning, make sure your space shines bright and leaves a lasting impression. DM me to chat about what steps you need to take to get your house market-ready this season. #springcleaning #sellyourhouse

Spring Selling Secret: Want your house to sparkle in the eyes of every potential buyer? Show it's been pampered and cared for. From decluttering to deep cleaning, make sure your space shines bright and leaves a lasting impression. DM me to chat about what steps you need to take to get your house market-ready this season. #springcleaning #sellyourhouse

Spring Selling Secret: Want your house to sparkle in the eyes of every potential buyer? Show it's been pampered and cared for. From decluttering to deep cleaning, make sure your space shines bright and leaves a lasting impression. DM me to chat about what steps you need to take to get your house market-ready this season. #springcleaning #sellyourhouse

Spring Selling Secret: Want your house to sparkle in the eyes of every potential buyer? Show it's been pampered and cared for. From decluttering to deep cleaning, make sure your space shines bright and leaves a lasting impression. DM me to chat about what steps you need to take to get your house market-ready this season. #springcleaning #sellyourhouse

Construction Numbers Don’t Mirror Growing  Builder Optimism

Even though the National Association of Home Builders (NAHB) reported the third consecutive increase in its measure of home builder confidence, actual residential construction activity fell. The residential construction report for January shows both the rate of permitting and housing starts declined from the previous month, the second straight loss for starts. The U.S. Census Bureau and the Department of Housing and Urban Development said construction began on residential properties at a seasonally adjusted annual rate of 1.331 million units. This was down 14.8 percent from the December rate of 1.562 million. The December rate was, however, a substantial upgrade from the 1.460 million units originally reported. On a year-over-year basis, starts were almost flat, with a decline of 0.7 percent. Single-family starts fell 4.7 percent to an annual rate of 1.004 million units but that was an improvement of 22.0 percent from the prior January. Multifamily starts, at 314,000 units, were down 3

Wholesale, HELOC, Marketing Products; STRATMOR on Customer Experience; More Strong Data Driving Rates

It was a sad day earlier this week for anyone who likes food out of a toaster as the inventor of Pop-Tarts passed away at age 96. (Yes, Pop-Tarts were invented… they don’t grow naturally in the wild.) Something else that isn’t found naturally is airline seat pricing. We’re in mid-February, and conference activity will increase, and families will start thinking about summer vacations. That often means flights. Prices do go up significantly 21, 14, and seven days before a flight, so keep that in mind. (For anyone who is genuinely interested, here’s an easy to read scholarly article on the awkward way in which airlines set seat prices.) And while we’re talking about dollars, recent Commentaries have mentioned the shift in regional manager’s pay to more profit-based rather than strictly volume, as well as how it is illegal to pay LOs on profits under TILA’s LO Comp Rule. Addressing management pay, attorney Steve Lovejoy with Shumaker Williams pointed out that, “If the branch manager is a p

Are More Homeowners Selling This Year? There are more homes for sale this year. Let’s connect to find the perfect one for you. #newlistings #homes #perfecthome

Are More Homeowners Selling This Year? There are more homes for sale this year. Let’s connect to find the perfect one for you. #newlistings #homes #perfecthome

Are More Homeowners Selling This Year? There are more homes for sale this year. Let’s connect to find the perfect one for you. #newlistings #homes #perfecthome

Are More Homeowners Selling This Year? There are more homes for sale this year. Let’s connect to find the perfect one for you. #newlistings #homes #perfecthome

#Pricing #HousingMarketUpdates Don’t Let the Latest Home Price Headlines Confuse You: Based on what you’re hearing in the news about home prices, you may be worried they’re falling.

ICYMI: #Pricing #HousingMarketUpdates Don’t Let the Latest Home Price Headlines Confuse You: Based on what you’re hearing in the news about home prices, you may be worried they’re falling. />

Turns Out Retail Sales Data is Not Invincible

Apart from CPI and NFP there are only a handful of other reports that truly deserve to be considered supporting actors in the current bond market drama.  Retail Sales is one of them.  The report has generally been a thorn in the bond market's side over the past year as it has shown a surprisingly resilient consumer in the face of higher rates. That's why there was some concern among some bond watchers over today's forecast of -0.1.  Was this some sort of set-up?  Surely, a consistently stronger data series can do better than -0.1. But it turns out economists were on to something when they agreed on the negative print.  In fact, they could have been a whole lot more negative and still undershot the actual result: -0.8.

Retail sales tumbled 0.8% in January, much more than expected

Retail sales tumbled 0.8% in January, much more than expected

Why Pre-Approval Is Even More Important This Year On the road to becoming a homeowner? If so, you may have heard the term pre-approval get tossed around. Let’s break down what it is and why it’s important if you’re looking to buy a home in 2024. What Pre-Approval Is As part of the homebuying process, your lender will look at your finances to figure out what they’re willing to loan you. According to Investopedia, this includes things like your W-2, tax returns, credit score, bank statements, and more. From there, they’ll give you a pre-approval letter to help you understand how much money you can borrow. This sets you up to make an informed decision about your numbers. That way you’re able to tailor your home search to what you’re actually comfortable with budget-wise and can act fast when you find a home you love. Why Pre-Approval Is So Important in 2024 If you want to buy a home this year, there’s another reason you’re going to want to be sure you’re working with a trusted lender to make this a priority. It means you’ll likely find you have more competition from other buyers as more and more people who were sitting on the sidelines when mortgage rates were higher decide to jump back in. But pre-approval can help with that too. Pre-approval shows sellers you mean business because you’ve already undergone a credit and financial check. Sellers love that because that makes it more likely the sale will move forward without unexpected delays or issues. If you’re looking to buy a home in 2024, know that getting pre-approved is going to be a key piece of the puzzle. With lower mortgage rates bringing more buyers back into the market, this can help you make a strong offer that stands out from the crowd. #realestate #homeownership #homebuying

ICYMI: Why Pre-Approval Is Even More Important This Year On the road to becoming a homeowner? If so, you may have heard the term pre-approval get tossed around. Let’s break down what it is and why it’s important if you’re looking to buy a home in 2024. What Pre-Approval Is As part of the homebuying process, your lender will look at your finances to figure out what they’re willing to loan you. According to Investopedia, this includes things like your W-2, tax returns, credit score, bank statements, and more. From there, they’ll give you a pre-approval letter to help you understand how much money you can borrow. This sets you up to make an informed decision about your numbers. That way you’re able to tailor your home search to what you’re actually comfortable with budget-wise and can act fast when you find a home you love. Why Pre-Approval Is So Important in 2024 If you want to buy a home this year, there’s another reason you’re going to want to be sure you’re working with

#Pricing #HousingMarketUpdates Don’t Let the Latest Home Price Headlines Confuse You: Based on what you’re hearing in the news about home prices, you may be worried they’re falling.

#Pricing #HousingMarketUpdates Don’t Let the Latest Home Price Headlines Confuse You: Based on what you’re hearing in the news about home prices, you may be worried they’re falling. />

#ForBuyers #FirstTimeHomeBuyers #RentvsBuy Why So Many People Fall in Love with Homeownership: Chances are at some point in your life you’ve heard the phrase, home is where the heart is.

ICYMI: #ForBuyers #FirstTimeHomeBuyers #RentvsBuy Why So Many People Fall in Love with Homeownership: Chances are at some point in your life you’ve heard the phrase, home is where the heart is. />

Why Pre-Approval Is Even More Important This Year On the road to becoming a homeowner? If so, you may have heard the term pre-approval get tossed around. Let’s break down what it is and why it’s important if you’re looking to buy a home in 2024. What Pre-Approval Is As part of the homebuying process, your lender will look at your finances to figure out what they’re willing to loan you. According to Investopedia, this includes things like your W-2, tax returns, credit score, bank statements, and more. From there, they’ll give you a pre-approval letter to help you understand how much money you can borrow. This sets you up to make an informed decision about your numbers. That way you’re able to tailor your home search to what you’re actually comfortable with budget-wise and can act fast when you find a home you love. Why Pre-Approval Is So Important in 2024 If you want to buy a... #realestate #homeownership #homebuying

Why Pre-Approval Is Even More Important This Year On the road to becoming a homeowner? If so, you may have heard the term pre-approval get tossed around. Let’s break down what it is and why it’s important if you’re looking to buy a home in 2024. What Pre-Approval Is As part of the homebuying process, your lender will look at your finances to figure out what they’re willing to loan you. According to Investopedia, this includes things like your W-2, tax returns, credit score, bank statements, and more. From there, they’ll give you a pre-approval letter to help you understand how much money you can borrow. This sets you up to make an informed decision about your numbers. That way you’re able to tailor your home search to what you’re actually comfortable with budget-wise and can act fast when you find a home you love. Why Pre-Approval Is So Important in 2024 If you want to buy a... #realestate #homeownership #homebuying

Why Pre-Approval Is Even More Important This Year On the road to becoming a homeowner? If so, you may have heard the term pre-approval get tossed around. Let’s break down what it is and why it’s important if you’re looking to buy a home in 2024. What Pre-Approval Is As part of the homebuying process, your lender will look at your finances to figure out what they’re willing to loan you. According to Investopedia, this includes things like your W-2, tax returns, credit score, bank statements, and more. From there, they’ll give you a pre-approval letter to help you understand how much money you can borrow. This sets you up to make an informed decision about your numbers. That way you’re able to tailor your home search to what you’re actually comfortable with budget-wise and can act fast when you find a home you love. Why Pre-Approval Is So Important in 2024 If you want to buy a home this year, there’s another reason you’re going to want to be sure you’re working with a trusted lender to make this a priority. It means you’ll likely find you have more competition from other buyers as more and more people who were sitting on the sidelines when mortgage rates were higher decide to jump back in. But pre-approval can help with that too. Pre-approval shows sellers you mean business because you’ve already undergone a credit and financial check. Sellers love that because that makes it more likely the sale will move forward without unexpected delays or issues. If you’re looking to buy a home in 2024, know that getting pre-approved is going to be a key piece of the puzzle. With lower mortgage rates bringing more buyers back into the market, this can help you make a strong offer that stands out from the crowd. #realestate #homeownership #homebuying

Why Pre-Approval Is Even More Important This Year On the road to becoming a homeowner? If so, you may have heard the term pre-approval get tossed around. Let’s break down what it is and why it’s important if you’re looking to buy a home in 2024. What Pre-Approval Is As part of the homebuying process, your lender will look at your finances to figure out what they’re willing to loan you. According to Investopedia, this includes things like your W-2, tax returns, credit score, bank statements, and more. From there, they’ll give you a pre-approval letter to help you understand how much money you can borrow. This sets you up to make an informed decision about your numbers. That way you’re able to tailor your home search to what you’re actually comfortable with budget-wise and can act fast when you find a home you love. Why Pre-Approval Is So Important in 2024 If you want to buy a home this year, there’s another reason you’re going to want to be sure you’re working with a trust

Mortgage Applications Stall on Higher Rates

Higher mortgage rates hindered application activity during the week ended February 9. The Mortgage Bankers Association (MBA) said its Market Composite Index, a measure of mortgage loan application volume, decreased 2.3 percent on a seasonally adjusted basis from one week earlier although it did gain 2.0 percent on an unadjusted basis. The Refinance Index was 2,0 percent lower than the prior week and 12.0 percent higher than the same week one year ago. The refinancing share of mortgage applications made up 34.2 percent of the total, down from 35.4 percent the previous week. [refiappschart] The seasonally adjusted Purchase Index decreased 3.0 percent from one week earlier and was 4.0 percent higher before adjustment. The number of applications declined by 12 percent year-over-year. [purchaseappschart] “Application activity was weaker last week, as mortgage rates moved higher across the board. The 30year fixed mortgage rate was up to 6.87 percent – the highest rate since early December 20

#ForBuyers #FirstTimeHomeBuyers #RentvsBuy Why So Many People Fall in Love with Homeownership: Chances are at some point in your life you’ve heard the phrase, home is where the heart is.

#ForBuyers #FirstTimeHomeBuyers #RentvsBuy Why So Many People Fall in Love with Homeownership: Chances are at some point in your life you’ve heard the phrase, home is where the heart is. />

Why So Many People Fall in Love with Homeownership

Chances are at some point in your life you’ve heard the phrase, home is where the heart is.

Bridging the Gaps on the Road to Homeownership

Homeownership is a major part of the American Dream.

Why You’ll Love Being a Homeowner You’ll love being a homeowner. Let’s connect and make it happen. #homeowner #dreamhome

Why You’ll Love Being a Homeowner You’ll love being a homeowner. Let’s connect and make it happen. #homeowner #dreamhome

Why You’ll Love Being a Homeowner You’ll love being a homeowner. Let’s connect and make it happen. #homeowner #dreamhome

Why You’ll Love Being a Homeowner You’ll love being a homeowner. Let’s connect and make it happen. #homeowner #dreamhome

Headlines saying foreclosures are rising might make you feel uneasy, but there’s no cause for alarm. Today’s numbers are still below pre-pandemic levels and are significantly lower than the 2008 housing market crash. Let’s chat more about why today’s housing market is nothing like it was back then. #foreclosures #expertanswers

Headlines saying foreclosures are rising might make you feel uneasy, but there’s no cause for alarm. Today’s numbers are still below pre-pandemic levels and are significantly lower than the 2008 housing market crash. Let’s chat more about why today’s housing market is nothing like it was back then. #foreclosures #expertanswers

Winning Plays for Buying a Home in Today’s Market [INFOGRAPHIC]

In today's housing market, you can still come out on top if you have the right team and plan.

#ForSellers #SellingMyths Home Equity Can Be a Game Changer When You Sell: Are you on the fence about selling your house?

#ForSellers #SellingMyths Home Equity Can Be a Game Changer When You Sell: Are you on the fence about selling your house? />

Home Equity Can Be a Game Changer When You Sell

Are you on the fence about selling your house?

Experts Project Home Prices Will Go Up in 2024 Experts project home prices will go up in 2024. Let’s connect to go over what’s happening with home prices in our local area. #homeprices #buyahome

Experts Project Home Prices Will Go Up in 2024 Experts project home prices will go up in 2024. Let’s connect to go over what’s happening with home prices in our local area. #homeprices #buyahome